This is what happens when you don't swallow!

This is what happens when you don't swallow!

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26 November, 2011 (12 years, 5 months ago)

Comments (6)

sperrmaab wrote 11 years ago

Dann hätten wir nicht so einen schönen trächtigen Bauch gesehen.

Then, we have seen not as a beautiful pregnant belly.

Sjippendeel wrote 11 years ago

Just a belly full of cum ;-)

Cum4whitewomen wrote 12 years ago

She's pregnant

yesiswallowgirls wrote 12 years ago

looks like she's already plenty full boys....appears she has one or two gorgeous black babies in their already sweethearts....I can swallow your black baby making cum for you though! sexy guys. Love Cherie!

Otto_44 wrote 12 years ago

wow, great pic, but maybe it is white baby inside? ...:-))

yesiswallowgirls > Otto_44 wrote 12 years ago

From the looks of her friends she runs with, I'd bet she has a beautiful black baby inside!

cpielover > yesiswallowgirls wrote 10 years ago

Black, white, red, or brown, it's the baby batter that's what counts! ;-)

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