Godly Genetics 2 (The rest)

What can I say? This is heaven. The guy filming probably has a reason for being such an idiot. I think it's because of how awesome his life is haha.

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24 November 2014 (9 years, 5 months ago)

Comments (5)

jeb1054 wrote 9 years ago

taking a big bit off from that turd would be heaven...

alanshiteater wrote 9 years ago

What a wonderful big shit, shit like that deserves to be eaten until its all gone, why doesn't she eat it? I know I would love to have it in my mouth.

geoff_m > alanshiteater wrote 9 years ago

I'd like to just hold it & smell it ;)

Queef01 wrote 9 years ago

gr8 !

daviduk2000 wrote 9 years ago

I agree with you, geoff_m. This guy's life must be awesome filming girls producing such wonderful shits like this.

moonbase69 wrote 9 years ago

would love to have shit that from ass

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