Lesbian shit part 2

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28 December 2018 (5 years, 5 months ago)

Comments (5)

In2ItAll wrote 2 years ago

The leatherdyke people do not deal with real scat. You guys are correct; it is faked. The "fudge" looks too much like the "fudge" you put on an ice cream sundae. Still, worth stroking to, whether you are male or female. The imaging delivers what your orgasm is begging for! Invite an intimate friend over, enjoy what you see, and then enjoy what you eat!

Nasty Bob
New York

uncutfan001 wrote 4 years ago

Is that chocolate? Anyway, these girls are sexy, especially the more mature one.

loeder wrote 5 years ago

so good die poop

avatarka88 wrote 5 years ago

I think. It's fake scat

edgarallanpoo wrote 5 years ago

I wish this shit was real. These girls are so sexy, but I just can't get into that scat feeling with that silly chocolate sauce concoction.

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