Liz tongues my cock and wanks me

Liz works her magic with her tongue then wanks my cock

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28 September 2018 (5 jaren, 7 maanden geleden)

Reacties (16)

CuriousGeorge schreef 5 jaren geleden

This is fabulous. Happy New year.

sjw1971 > CuriousGeorge schreef 5 jaren geleden

Thanks. Happy New Year to you too. Liz x

Texture612 schreef 5 jaren geleden

Loving Liz and her talents!

sjw1971 > Texture612 schreef 5 jaren geleden

Thanks for your comment. Glad you like my talent. Liz x

Cuckprepper schreef 5 jaren geleden

I want to help you ! :)

sjw1971 > Cuckprepper schreef 5 jaren geleden

Thanks for the offer. Liz x

stoya66 schreef 5 jaren geleden

Doing a great job!

sjw1971 > stoya66 schreef 5 jaren geleden

Thanks. Glad you like what I'm doing. Liz x

sexyfun schreef 5 jaren geleden

you think that's so horny!

LEPO-ASROC schreef 5 jaren geleden

That looks so hot.
Liz could do that with me and during that I blow on your cock circles with the tongue over the glans

sjw1971 > LEPO-ASROC schreef 5 jaren geleden

Sounds great :-)

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