Poop and Examination 01

Cute girl gets interviewed, poops and examines her turds.

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27 August 2016 (7 years, 8 months ago)

Comments (3)

KawasakiNinja300 wrote 6 years ago

This is a perfect video and that blur ruins it

Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

Would love to understand what they are saying. She is stretched very wide to let that poop out.

assrael5081 > Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

Yeah, I wish my Japanese was better ;/ I know the guy asks the girls what they ate the last couple of days and stuff like that, but I miss most of the details.

frank12354 > Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

He first asks her what she came to do. She is hesitant to give an answer (they often are which is weird to me. You're about to shit in front of the world, but you can't say so?). She says she has no purpose, then that she wonders why she came and then that she doesn't know why. Finally she says, "I came to poo."

He then asks how long had it been since she last pooped. "Two days," she answers. "So you've got a bit in there," he replies and she says, "But I don't know if I'm going to be able to go or not." "Are you constipated?" he asks. "Yes." "How often do you go?" he asks to which she replies, "It varies. I sometimes only go once a week." He asks, "Are you going to be able to go today?" "It feels like I need to go, but I don't know if I'll be able to."

He asks her to lift her skirt. She does and they comment on how her stomach is poking out so she must be full. He tells her to turn around and comments she has a healthy ass, which she is surprised to hear. He asks her hip measurement, she says she doesn't know. He estimates 85cm. He tells her to remove her panties so she can poop. She folds them in an effort to keep him from examining them, but he obviously does. He says they look clean, but she says no and that it's embarrassing. They agree there's a mysterious dried liquid in them

"Now it's time for the shy girl to poop." She says she's nervous. She says, "I'll probably fart." "Go right ahead and fart," he replies. "Well I don't know if I will or not," she says. He replies, "Well if you need to it's fine." "But it will smell," she says in reply. (Your shit will smell worse, silly girl). "Do you fart often?" he asks and she says "I usually hold them in. At home I do, but I hold them around my friends." "Being a girl is rough, huh?" he replies. She says "I let out silent ones sometimes." They laugh. "What if they stink?" he asks. "I pretend like I don't notice it if someone points it out. Or I'll be like, 'Something stinks. Was that you?' to my friends," she answers with a laugh.

He tells her to get on the desks. She says she needs to pee and he gives her permission to do so. She mumbles that she's nervous. She pees. "That was embarrassing." I can't make out what she says after that, sorry. As she begins to poop, she says, "It's hard. It hurts." Then "I can smell it," as she finishes. She says no more will come out.

She asks if he's going to record her wiping as well. He is confused why she would ask that. "Haven't you seen enough!?" she exclaims. "Is it not okay?" he asks. "No it's not," she replies, but proceeds to wipe regardless. "There was a lot in there, huh?" she says changing the subject. He agrees. She says, "It was hard so I thought it might not come out. I'm not going to show you the paper." "Show me," he petitions. She vehemently declines. "Give me a break for just this one thing, please," she says. "You didn't use much paper. Are you done?" "Yes." "You only wiped once." "I wiped twice. I need to wipe my pussy. I just peed as well after all."

After the wiping, he asks her if it was embarrassing. She says "Of course it was." "My hair looks awful," she adds. "I've got goosebumps," she says as she points to her arms and legs. "I get goosebumps after I poop."

Out comes the poop. "It's thick, huh!?" he observes. "Is it nice?" she asks. "Yes!" He asks, What did you eat yesterday?" Unfortunately I can't make out what she says. I think she says kimchi, but I am not certain. I also can't make out his next question, though I think he asks if her poops are always that big. She clearly denies whatever it is he asked though. Then he hands her the chopsticks. He responds to her freak out by telling her she doesn't have to eat it and he then tells her to split the shit with them. "It's gross!" she says as she lifts up a piece with the chopsticks. He points out there are a bunch of different things in it. She replies, "I don't chew very well, I guess," and they laugh.

He asks for her final thoughts. "What a relief," she replies. "How did it feel, pooping?" he asks. "It hurt," she laughs. "How did you feel before?" "I was embarrassed. I felt gross and embarrassed."

assrael5081 > frank12354 wrote 7 years ago

Wow, that's an amazing amount of detail :O

Vinny9 > frank12354 wrote 6 years ago

Thank you for the translation.

thespian82 wrote 7 years ago

Nice. She actually says it's painful! Wow.

assrael5081 > thespian82 wrote 7 years ago

Hai, boku mo sukoshi nihongo wakaru :)
That turd does look pretty fat...

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