Scat Really Extreme Constipation Part1

Upload date
5 August 2013 (10 years, 10 months ago)

Comments (5)

shesgotleggs wrote 5 years ago

Mmmmm, she has black pantyhose on too, soooooo sexy!

Smiles, Tracy

thespian82 wrote 6 years ago

There should be an emergency button in the toilet stall for situations like this. When pressed, I would turn up with all sorts of help, from lubricants to enemas.

jobuboy wrote 9 years ago

And if truth be told I still don't reckon she was finished. She probably had a bowel full of turds reluctant to make an appearance!

thespian82 wrote 10 years ago

My all time favourite!

jband02 wrote 10 years ago

Vos Vidéos sont vraiment superbes !

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