Self Fisting Apple Birth

I start out with an apple already in my vagina (as suggested by a fan). I reached inside myself to pull it out with my hand, but I'm not as roomy as I would like to be (yet): so I give birth to it the old fashion way.

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10 November 2012 (11 jaren, 5 maanden geleden)

Reacties (13)

matshadow2 schreef 6 jaren geleden

Wonderfull belly

fistkille schreef 7 jaren geleden

love it

nemoralis schreef 9 jaren geleden

the big apple- want eat it out of your cunt ant with it

Vidase schreef 10 jaren geleden

Hot Hot Hot!

Annalenchen schreef 11 jaren geleden

Versuchs mal mit ner Aubergine! Oder Apfel anal!

preverzan schreef 11 jaren geleden

excelent just keep on with workout :)

rogge89 schreef 11 jaren geleden

wow very hot work

altnexus schreef 11 jaren geleden

Excellent. Love you huffing on the amyl/popper to help ease the way, I do the same thing when apples are on the way into or out of me too ;)

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