Urgence in the garden

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15 July 2014 (9 years, 9 months ago)

Comments (7)

DocSport420 wrote 4 years ago

Nice logs.

throwaway123 wrote 9 years ago

I'm looking for the full vid of this woman. If anyone knows where I can find it, pm me please!

camel36 wrote 9 years ago

I love this clip but just wish it was clearer. The girl did a perfect pose and sexy shit just pulling her shorts down and bending over.

A major percentage of men do love to see women squat and point their ass out (normal and natural) and then shit on the ground or floor. Like in this video :-).

And then there are many men who prefer to see unnatural things like shitting in panties and getting messy.

Each area of preference has plenty of customers as I know from years of experience.

smellme wrote 9 years ago

But nonetheless that was a hot video and that was just my opinion stated earlier.

smellme wrote 9 years ago

Girls should know that guys probably find it a lot more sexy when they don't squat like that because it's just too clean... and we like it dirty. Want to attract more viewers ladies? Poop in your panties or tight pants, or poop while standing straight up with your legs NOT spread apart, make it messy but not too messy.

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