What's Wrong With the USA

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13 Novembre 2017 (Il y a 6 années, 10 mois)

Commentaires (2)

freddithetoy a écrit il y a 6 années

Yep! You saw the liberal slant. :) It doesn't mention you can't purchase a pistol until you are 21.

SE7PENT a écrit il y a 6 années

Children of all ages can legally use hunting rifles in many countries. However a Parent or Guardian has to "ok" the purchase of the sale of ownership. As the Parents or Guardians have to take responsibility for said child. What this misleading video does not show is the boys mother standing directly behind the person with the camera the whole time. She was the one who gave permission for her son to purchase the firearm. SO no there is nothing wrong with the USA in that sense... what is wrong here is the misleading, misguided and misinformation in the video. If you want to point fingers... gun laws in many other countries allow a much younger child to own hunting rifles and shotguns, and on top of that drinking age for alcohol is also much lower in many other countries.

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