watch my panties disappear

just as the title suggests

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14 July 2018 (5 years, 9 months ago)

Comments (9)

mac6949 wrote 1 year ago

trust me,they'd disappear alright

mac6949 wrote 1 year ago


alexandradevine wrote 5 years ago

I am just about to make a companion video to the panties disappearing one. This time will be working on making the eggplant disappear .

ramle wrote 5 years ago

super trick !

sjw1971 wrote 5 years ago

Nice trick with the panties. Would have loved to see the toy disappear :-)

alexandradevine > sjw1971 wrote 5 years ago

As I said to the commentor below , I always try my best to make the toys disappear. i guess i will have to post another video to provide proof of the ability to swallow something that size

alexandradevine > sjw1971 wrote 5 years ago

I am just about to a video that will finish what I began with the video titled "Watch my panties disappear. " Now I m going to work on making the eggplant disappear. Take a look.

nawley wrote 5 years ago

neat. now can you make the toy disappear?

alexandradevine > nawley wrote 5 years ago

I always try my best to make the toys disappear. i guess i will have to post anothr video to provide proof of the ability to swallow something that size .

Keri wrote 5 years ago

wow,,thats magical darling xo

alexandradevine > Keri wrote 5 years ago

I am glad you enjoyed it

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