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25 February, 2024 (3 months, 27 days ago)

Comments (1)

Kazza93 wrote 3 months ago

A very mischievous look on her face? She like bananas?

MissCara > Kazza93 wrote 3 months ago

You are close in your interpretation, Kazza , very close indeed. But it's a very common beginner's mistake that folk make in this kind of analysis....don't be fooled by that wry lil smile on her face, Kaz hon, it's actually all down to the drugs you see. What is in fact happening here is that it's she is undergoing a short but very intensive therapy for a debilitating condition that has plagued the poor lassie since her early childhood days. The medics call it Bananaphobia. Statistically speaking, it's quite rare but for those who suffer from it, it can be devastating. But don't worry though, as Science somehow always manages to come up with a solution. Treatment is non-invasive, fortunately, but research continues on perfecting the process even further. However the jury is still out on the long term effects particularly in relation to the sedatives currently being used. A spokesman for Professor Mahatmacoat (Director of the Extremely Silly Research Foundation) recently held a Press Conference to calm mainstream medical bodies' fears concerning the use of the potent medications being used in the pioneering, but controversial, procedure. Professor Mahatmacoat explained to the attending journalists that "The drugs are relatively harmless, provided they are not used too frequently and only administered in very small doses. Clinical trials of the drugs have shown that it's a wee bit like getting stoned and while we initially had very minor concerns over the inexplicable side effect of patients experiencing occasional bouts of Involuntary Smiling and the occasional outburst of chuckling, our research has shown that these side effects are only temporary, rapidly disappearing once the therapy has been completed. Patients involved in the clinical trials reported no major discomfort, with a significant percentage of patients telling researchers that it was, in fact, pretty pleasurable. Most of those patients who participated in the clinical trials were so delighted that they volunteered to have another go, so all things being equal, we feel pretty chuffed about this innovative procedure" .... After the explanation, Professor Mahatmacoat opened the forum to address any questions the journalists might have, and a somewhat cynical media hack from The Catholic Gazette took the opportunity to ask what he considered to be the most important ethical question about the treatment.. "So, Professor Mahatmacoat, what I think you are effectively saying is that getting absolutely baked is essential. But what the fuck is the ropes all about, then, eh ? Do enlighten us then, please, our congregations will be intrigued to know"... Professor Mahatmacoat then gave an in-depth answer, explaining that "It's for Safety you see. We found that restraint was a highly effective means of helping patients overcome their fears. It's bloody nerve-wracking you know, being effectively forced to sit and have your worst nightmare right there in your face. This procedure is no worse than Arachnophobes confronting their fears by having a house spider strategically placed in their knickers. Anyways, patients are getting off their faces free of charge, so what the fuck else do you want, eh ? There's no pleasing some folks, is there ?".... The very outraged Catholic Gazette reporter bitterly objected to the Professor's reply and a fist fight broke out resulting in Police being called to break it up. Several sets of Rosary beads were broken during the scuffle and were recovered by the Police as evidence in the forthcoming Court case which is currently scheduled to take place sometime in late August this year right after yon wee twat Greta Thunberg is sentenced. .....so, there you have it, Kazza, me dear, it's got nothing to do with liking bananas, it's all about irrational fears and the amazing progress our scientific dudes are making these days....on a side note, the poor wee lassie is now fully cured and she is so delighted with the successful outcome that she's committed to keep fighting the good fight and undergoing the procedure on a semi-regular basis. Most weekends apparently, by all accounts.... :)

DarkmoonX > MissCara wrote 3 months ago

köstlich..... oder wie ich sagen würde ....völlig Banane

MissCara > DarkmoonX wrote 3 months ago


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