Chubby chick pooping

Chubby chick straining and pushing out her logs

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1 May 2019 (5 years, 1 month ago)

Comments (2)

gassy_dude wrote 5 years ago

How do you know they're logs if we don't see her dump??

GeorgeP wrote 5 years ago

She sounds just like my gorgeous sister in law Sandra, when she tries to go poop before shes really ready. Wish we could see her production in the potty.

gassy_dude > GeorgeP wrote 5 years ago

you get to hear your sister in law poop?? :D

GeorgeP > gassy_dude wrote 4 years ago

Oh yes. She has this thing about pooping, and sits on the toilet if she gets the slightest feeling that she needs to go, so on average, she has a bowel movement about 3 times a day. More often than not, if she visits ours, she normally goes for a poop. If there's no one about, I go and listen outside the downstairs toilet door. I've heard everything from explosive diarrhoea, to her soft grunting to push a non urgent one out. Love to go in straight after she's been...she's really stinky and I love it :)

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