JP35 - Shit Eating (Chinese)

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21 February 2019 (5 years, 2 months ago)

Comments (2)

juanthescatman wrote 5 years ago

so far in toronto. out of all 14 escorts who shat on me 12 are chinese. they will do it for cheap. you just have to ask. dont be weird about it.

wanttoeat > juanthescatman wrote 5 years ago

Bro... having a Chinese girl actually shit in my mouth would be a dream come true! If there's any information you can share about the escorts you know are willing to do this I'd appreciate it!

juanthescatman > wanttoeat wrote 5 years ago

pm me if your in toronto. you wont be dissapointed lol

Meirin > juanthescatman wrote 4 years ago

Oh my god that actually sounds great

wanttoeat wrote 5 years ago

Shitting action starts at 2:45. Being "forced" to eat that woman's all-natural Chinese food would be a pleasure, not a punishment.

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