Mixed - note for Havesel

Havesel Platziert einen Kommentar zu deinem BDSM - 6-shoot. 2-11-2018 1:04 I wonder if there's a way I can block all your time wasting submissions. Feedback Amor69Fake: I wonder me too :-) about you - smile... ...hey lazy boy, I make it easier for you - be creative poor Boy - do it like me and don`t waist my time anymore. You get a friend-request from me, pls do me a favor and do not accept :-(, set me on your Blocklist - you know this is the list where no information, vids, pics, anything else from specific People, or better, do the other way round. or the best solution is you intelectual guy - don`t open my files anymore :-). Comon poor Boy, so bloody boring, thats really a mess. What a luck I`am smart :-). Last remark - if you do it not the proposal, than you are ZERO and your comments will refused immediately, like you do not exist :--)).

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Upload date
2 November 2018 (5 years, 7 months ago)

Comments (1)

brownnose wrote 5 years ago

I love your stuff and appreciate the time and energy that goes into making it. Thank You!

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