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26 May 2019 (4 years, 10 months ago)

Comments (5)

fathead wrote 4 years ago

If I was in the stall next to hers, I would have blown the biggest load just hearing whats coming out of her ass. I would have looked for her shoes she was wearing the rest of the night and just knowing her bowel movement earlier.

ipdaily wrote 4 years ago

Love gassy girls.

daviduk2000 wrote 4 years ago

A lovely gassy dump. Love the final fart before some liquid comes out of her ass. Residue from an enema perhaps, or just pee?

lpgoku1 wrote 4 years ago

Would love for that to have been in my face

loeder wrote 4 years ago

niche poop kon ik er maar bij zijn gail zoveel poop

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