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31 July 2018 (5 years, 8 months ago)

Comments (4)

porndougie wrote 4 years ago

So fucking funny - classic. The guy should have presented in front of her with 2 pizzas - one with 8 slices and one with 12 pizzas to see what her response would be. Either she would realize how stupid she was or perhaps still argue about 8 and 12 slices. She is pretty cute though and love the accent.

Fuerther wrote 5 years ago

dumm fickt gut. Die ist sicher spitze!!!

condaleah wrote 5 years ago

and he's about as dumb as she appears to be by carrying on about it for so long. But damn she is beautiful

Sjippendeel wrote 5 years ago

And she's not even a blonde.... ;-)

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