Releasing huge turd on tiled floor

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3 January 2017 (7 years, 4 months ago)

Comments (12)

jacksomali35 wrote 7 years ago

The way she'd let it poke out reminds me of my close friend in college, she told me this when we were high as fuck once. She had about a 2hr commute to/from college, and she really hated public toilets. Sometimes when staying long hours, she'd have to shit really badly, so when taking the bus back home, she'd sometimes relax and let it sit poking out like this to make it more comfortable. She stopped doing this though because one time she was doing this while reading but she forgot about it and realized the turd's tip was out way too far out to pull back in. It had probably slowly started moving while her attention was to the book, and she had to close her asshole, or else would come out even further, leaving a piece between her cheeks. She said the piece was so hard it was painful to walk with it there, and apparently it left a bruise on her cheeks when she got home.

GeorgeP wrote 7 years ago


KawasakiNinja300 wrote 7 years ago

Why do they always squat facing away from you? I hate it. I wish she would face the camera so I could see her vagina.

hung4fun wrote 7 years ago

blueeyes999 wrote 7 years ago

i'd eat all night

passbookhairy wrote 7 years ago

oo jn-

geoff_m wrote 7 years ago

Love the way she pushes

chocolade wrote 7 years ago

perfekt. No this is a Amercan Girl,her Name is Teagen.

Spacebar wrote 7 years ago

Is this Mia Roxx?

jones33 wrote 7 years ago

Hott solo...!

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