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25 October, 2012 (11 years, 6 months ago)

Comments (3)

longo wrote 11 years ago

why did he leave his socks on? Couln't we do a sandwich? Would love it!

marsmarsmar > longo wrote 11 years ago

black guys see to do that with the socks, but never ask why interested in other parts of him not the feet. i love to be the center of a good sandwich

deghay wrote 11 years ago

Would love to suck, or lick your feet while pumping you hard with all my 9+.

marsmarsmar > deghay wrote 11 years ago

love it

BlackMastrAL wrote 11 years ago

Very Sexy! I think there's some toe-curling I always love to see that happen.
Nice shade of blue for the pillow, blue is my favorite color.

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