Fraises Chantilly 04

Fraises Chantilly 04

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31 May, 2017 (7 years, 10 days ago)

Comments (5)

Fido1966 wrote 3 years ago


manaus wrote 6 years ago

mmm je deviens gourmand marie je veux tt lecher

Marie-Coquine > manaus wrote 6 years ago

Je comprends Manaus qu'avec un tel dessert vous deveniez gourmand au point de tout lécher.

alex39alic wrote 7 years ago

mmm que bon ..... comme je l'aime ....

Marie-Coquine > alex39alic wrote 7 years ago

Will you come and eat strawberries on my body?

alex39alic > Marie-Coquine wrote 7 years ago

Yes .... eat strawberries ??? Je je
Before, during and after .... and more things that I would do .... everything

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