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17 July, 2018 (5 years, 9 months ago)

Comments (2)

Fan-Seite wrote 1 year ago

I had some old and most i loved the twinkled tits hänging down!

druckimsack wrote 5 years ago

I would like to fuck such a very old slut. It's my dream since many, many years as long as their figures are not fat or too fat.... I would use them EVERY day as my beloved cum dump !
On top of that: How smells and tastes their old cunts ? I'm addicted to CUNTS !
Pls. post more of such horny wrecks !
Regards from Germany !

onlyolders > druckimsack wrote 5 years ago

Their cunts smells like any other cunts. If you start by licking them, they can smell a little urine, but if you start by fucking them and then lick them, they smells like any other horny cunts. I have had lots of very old women, and i simply adore them!

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