cuckold plau in 1995

cuckold plau in 1995

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06 August, 2018 (5 years, 8 months ago)

Comments (3)

GuyLouisB wrote 5 years ago

About time. This is one of the very few pics of you I have seen to this day where someone takes care of you titties. Another vastly underestimated part of your anatomy. XOXOX

Bowties wrote 5 years ago

Your description "As I played with this guy, my fully dressed husband had to please us. I made him not only lick my cit, but to also lick the guy's shaft and suck his balls. :)" is so incredibly hot. It is so cool that you've given us decades of sexually exciting images. Thanks, Carol.

weerobbie wrote 5 years ago

Love to join in.

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