cunt + cookies

cunt + cookies

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05 November, 2014 (9 years, 5 months ago)

Comments (6)

Sjippendeel wrote 6 years ago

To complement the cookies, I'll supply the 'milk'.... and cream the pie ;-)

mr69n wrote 9 years ago

Hey, I want a cookie!!

rtfrty wrote 9 years ago

clever art!

sirunicorn wrote 9 years ago

My compliments scum-licker ... on the many well-selected cartoons and photos ... I am certain that making good use of your eager holes, and overflowing them ... would be vastly amusing for a nasty Man such as I am .... and making you orgasm while you respond with such profound excitement will add to my delight !!!

kuntsusan > sirunicorn wrote 9 years ago

hMmm... and i've been one to stand in the way of a Dom and His amusing delights ~grins~ and thank You for enjoying

sosos wrote 9 years ago

Enjoy breakfast....! Pee, pussy juice and biscuits .... better than that ......!!!

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