2015-06-29 laxative SUPER DIARRHEA

Been constipated for a week so I had to drink a laxative. Here are the brown watery results. I made a mess with one........

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30 June 2015 (8 years, 9 months ago)

Comments (5)

roldy168 wrote 4 years ago

Still one of the best videos I've ever seen. Wish I could have licked the floor clean on the huge mess you made

nerddude85 wrote 8 years ago

wow that's hot--that laxative really cleaned you out!!

roldy168 wrote 8 years ago

Beautiful!! Such a waste :( more laxatives please :)

cwtae wrote 8 years ago

And I would let you. Mmmmmmmm................... That would get me off.

KITANA wrote 8 years ago

strong stomach ache after a laxative? I want to pat your tummy when you shit

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