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18 January 2016 (8 years, 3 months ago)

Comments (4)

Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

excellent. great camera angles. The first two girls, and 5:11 were nicely constipated. The girl at 4:34 was very sweet with her pretty exposed breasts. Excellent video.

wanttoeat wrote 8 years ago

Amazingly good. I really enjoy the sexy expressions on those cute faces as the turds are squeezed out.

fathead > wanttoeat wrote 7 years ago

I get off SO MUCH on hearing and seeing shit being expelled from a womans ass.

abacus66666 wrote 8 years ago

Plz dont cut the peeing parts

luv2peep wrote 8 years ago

I love japanese girls,they're so cute! Thanks for sharing!

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