A Toilet's Dream

Chantal and her friends use a funnel and toilet like device to feed a slave

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12 May 2017 (6 years, 11 months ago)

Comments (12)

alleswirdgut wrote 6 years ago

wunderbar, direkt in den Hals

dickwhipped wrote 6 years ago

These German girls really know how to treat a man. I have to say that when they whipped his cock like that, it had to really hurt.

WindelToilettenSklave wrote 6 years ago

Asoziale Weiber

lacumba01 wrote 6 years ago


aries9999 wrote 6 years ago

Superb video. One of best of it's type. Who are these "Mistresses"?

lilpunker > aries9999 wrote 6 years ago


aries9999 > lilpunker wrote 6 years ago

Thanks "lilpunker".

PeerSteglitz wrote 6 years ago

Das sind so blöde Hartz4 Hühner, daß die Erotik gleich bei 0,0 steht. Die sind garantiert aus der Hellersdorfer Platte

DarkNight1984 wrote 6 years ago


m-wie-riechermike wrote 6 years ago

Drei geile Piss-Kack Ladys!Aber Scat Lady Chantal ist die GEILSTE!!!EXCELLENTE SAU!! Hat große Ähnlichkeit mit der Sarah Wagenknecht!

Pissguzzle > m-wie-riechermike wrote 6 years ago

ist mir noch nicht aufgefallen, aber von der Wagenknecht würd ich mich auch noch vollpissen-und scheissen lassen, ich finde die noch recht scharf.

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