A real needle

Oh it felt good

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17 March 2024 (1 month, 10 days ago)

Comments (2)

tinynutstim wrote 16 days ago

Looks like you really enjoyed it. I'm still using those barbaric things in mine.

Mrquito > tinynutstim wrote 15 days ago

Yes it is much easier to guide these ones. I cannot make mine straight enough just wish they were longer

Prhodan65 wrote 1 month ago

WOW...I like to torture myself with needles to, but around my nipples. Think I don't have balls to do it in my own balls. Congrats.

tinynutstim > Prhodan65 wrote 16 days ago

The first time is the most difficult to overcome the mental block. But after that you won't be able to enjoy your balls without needles through or in them. And stirring, swirling the needle around inside them causing damage is way beyond the pleasure of just skewering. It is positively addictive. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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