Asian Dorm Girl AFTERMATH

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23 July 2020 (3 years, 9 months ago)

Comments (3)

JoeBrown wrote 3 years ago

HELL YEAH!!!! This was what I wanted to see. I already busted a nut watching her push out this behemoth... now I'm gonna cum again cuz I was dying for a closer look at this masterpiece (of shit). It's almost too beautiful to eat, I'd vacuum seal this baby for freshness & hold on to it. Thanks a mil for this 35 seconds of greatness, I enjoyed every second.

thepower265 wrote 3 years ago

damn whoever left it flushed it? FUCK what a waste i would have taken 3/4ths of that turd which would still be enough to feed a village and eat and savor it and the other 4th to use as lube to jerk off with!

Poopies wrote 3 years ago

Nice big fat turd for my mouth!

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