Asian - STEAMY Big Turd - actual steam

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24 January 2017 (7 years, 3 months ago)

Comments (5)

fathead wrote 4 years ago

fresh steam from the inner ass. I would bottle it if it would keep. brown the inside of a clear bottle as it aged.

Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

Perfect view and sound of a nice complete poop for her. Do all women use a ton of toilet paper to wipe off, or just the Japanese??

wanttoeat wrote 7 years ago

Wonderful! I bet her poop has a great taste!

The_VAGUE_1 wrote 7 years ago

I'm impressed. And craving for steamy poop in my chest hairs.... thanks for sharing Geoff!!!

daviduk2000 wrote 7 years ago

Great clip. Thanks for posting, Geoff

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