Big Turd - Messy Tissues - LOOP

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24 April 2014 (10 years, 2 days ago)

Comments (10)

KawasakiNinja300 wrote 9 years ago

I prefer videos where they poop facing you

gloria69 wrote 9 years ago

this hot shit in my mouth, Mmmmmmm

straightarrow wrote 9 years ago

I give her a 7 on a scale of 1-10 for turd size, color and texture.

FISTuEUTERfreund wrote 9 years ago

Die Wurst hätte sie mir auch gerne ins Gesicht scheißen dürfen. Lecker.

Queef01 wrote 9 years ago

good job !

Klomaul wrote 10 years ago

Die Perfekte Mahlzeit!

schlangenmann wrote 10 years ago

So eine fette Wurst würde ich gerne mal auf meinen Teller geschissen bekommen.

passbookhairy wrote 10 years ago

I want yurs jn

brownnose wrote 10 years ago

Best thing to ever land in a Pyrex pie plate!

Thanks for a great clip!

tingeltangelbob07 wrote 10 years ago

Was ne geile dicke Wurst,
mein Schwanz sagt "danke"! :D

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