Painful enema

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2 January 2017 (7 years, 3 months ago)

Comments (3)

Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

I want to be that guy giving her the enema.

mr_sprinkles wrote 7 years ago

The lucky old bastard !!

AquaManH20 wrote 7 years ago

I wish posters would stop using words like huge, especially since this was no more than one quart of enema, (200 mL syringe x 5 injections of water). It's still a hot video, just not a huge enema.

daviduk2000 > AquaManH20 wrote 7 years ago

I've amended the title. The enema may have seemed 'huge' to her because of the way it was administered quite forcefully rather than by gravity.

darksouls > AquaManH20 wrote 7 years ago

seemed pretty big to me.. you can hear them count and she clearly says 1800ml and then some more after so probably 2Ltr. that may not be huge to some but to most it is pretty big.

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