Japanese Girls

Song: PFFR - Japoney Appoe

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9 January 2016 (8 years, 3 months ago)

Comments (6)

Vinny9 wrote 5 years ago

Amazing enema result at 1:05, look at those hard chunks coming out.

fotocum wrote 8 years ago

asian girls are perfect for that kind of stuff..

eMiReaDy wrote 8 years ago

They are healthy !
Thanks for sharing :)

MakeMyChestBrown wrote 8 years ago

Great shitting!! Shame about the music though. I love watching a woman take a shit and hearing all the sounds of her shitting. Music just gets in the way of that. Not complaining ...just saying. Thanks for posting

Ijustloveit > MakeMyChestBrown wrote 8 years ago

Agreed. Beautiful shits and girls, but the music kills the boner. :/

mishu420 > Ijustloveit wrote 8 years ago

I put the weirder, musical stuff in this folder. For the eccentric few that love nothing more than getting high and watching girls empty their bowels. I'll upload a version without the music too though.

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