Japanese girls huge logs

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26 December 2016 (7 years, 4 months ago)

Comments (5)

plipplopsplatt wrote 5 years ago

A marvellous compilation indeed

dianashiteater wrote 7 years ago

Great. Last two delivered high quantity soft serve and in one case, really heavy pissing too.

Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

These were all great, thank you so much for posting.

abosi wrote 7 years ago


fathead wrote 7 years ago

I would tell her from 14:30 your crowning!! I'm with you the whole way, I am your poop coach. I share the same hopes as you ..!

fathead > fathead wrote 7 years ago

your afterbirth looks much smoother and easier. We just have to think of a name for our stinky creation, I just wish my cum could be seen upon her release -

thespian82 > fathead wrote 7 years ago

Man, as far back as I could remember, my dream job was to help constipated ladies relief their load.

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