Japanese squatting poops

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9 December 2016 (7 years, 4 months ago)

Comments (6)

fathead wrote 7 years ago

hey vinny9 , I offer my services to her free of charge for as long as it takes -

tierp wrote 7 years ago

sexy ass

abosi wrote 7 years ago


Vinny9 wrote 7 years ago

One thing I will say, they all use an extreme amount of toilet paper!!!

kmbaby wrote 7 years ago

Love the third one, love seeing her face when she is forcing the shit out of her ass.

zorro1955 > kmbaby wrote 7 years ago

she also has hemorrhoids

Vinny9 > zorro1955 wrote 7 years ago

Yes, sad to see such a young woman with those large external hemorrhoids. Her movement is quite dry and constipated, she needs to change that.

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