Lucy and Ness Collection Circa 2000 UK

Lucy and Ness were one of the first pioneers of an EFRO type web site, even did some jail time for shooting poo videos. Quality is not great but the content was.

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29 March 2016 (8 years, 20 days ago)

Comments (20)

dumper999 wrote 5 months ago

Always loved the one where she shits on the rocks and then eats it as if it's the most normal thing in the world

dumper999 wrote 5 months ago

I miss Kirsty ... err, I mean "Lucy" ;-)

Spacebar wrote 6 years ago

I love Ness. She does a really nice log near the end

brownnose wrote 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing! Anybody know what Lucy is up to these days?

jo52 wrote 8 years ago

very very hot scat movie, thanks for sharing it.....

jeb1054 wrote 8 years ago

Fantastic! Thank you so much for uploading. Can't stop wanking.

timtheman4 wrote 8 years ago

Classic , Thank you for posting .

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