Nasse Nylons

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10 December 2012 (11 years, 5 months ago)

Comments (3)

bi_dwt wrote 11 years ago

hm du hast so viel geile pisse fehlt nur mein kopf zwischen deinen beinen damit mich und die nylons nass machen kannst lecke sie auch gern ab

Zafas1 wrote 11 years ago

Würd gern deine Nylons lecken während du pisst und du pisst mir dabei über den Kopf

jhMcKn wrote 11 years ago

My mother was an alcoholic and often times was so drunk she would need to piss when leaving a tavern. Rather than use the women's toilet, she and her mother, who was also an alcoholic, would go out in the parking lot and stand beside or behind the car, raise their skirts a little bit, and stand there and piss. Well of course it ran down their legs, getting their nylon stockings all wet. But they didn't care. Just got in the car and we drove home.

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