Pee Farts 203

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14 September 2017 (6 years, 7 months ago)

Comments (5)

giofacc wrote 2 years ago

A 2.48 si è svuotata di pancia .. plof,plof degli stronzi che ha spinto dal ventre

Fartlover8907 wrote 6 years ago

Nice! Who is this?

rajloveall > Fartlover8907 wrote 6 years ago

Not sure!!

jamborg wrote 6 years ago

yeah if there is pooping it would be great to put the whole clip.but you are already doing a great job uploading these pee farts man,thanks alot.

giofacc wrote 6 years ago

I think they are not pee farts but bowels gas before having evacuation. It' a pity we can't see the entire struggling and relief.. But at 2.48 there are some plops dued to shit coming out. Mmmmh !

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