Rikku's Massive Explosive Violent Diarrhea Dump Intro

I'll just say. I find FF fans act too ridiculous over nothing. At least all positive comments here so far. I find too many FF7 fans act like narcissistic(care only of self, no one else is of importance, everything only they want) mental patients who bitch even when they're actually getting a remake and not a knock off or Pal knock off like 8,9,X/X-2 and KH 1&2. I'm purely sick of how they treat Yuna FFX & X-2 when those 2 games made Enix most their fans. People on the FF Record Keeper website made me stop playing FF Record Keeper because LITERATELY all they did is act like a combination of a class 10/10 mental patient and a todler...NO LIE! I've had enough. Just ridiculous! Then there's Enix yet to do one thing right after X-2 was made minus World Of FF. I heard Sonic fans and other games fans are even worse acting through YouTube. Anyway. Yuna discovers what Lenne was sad over. She reveals the Creator "I". Lenne and this Creator reveal to Yuna their fetish. Yuna goes to the beach and places a ??? Potion she makes appear in her hand into the chest and then has Rikku drink it. I may complete the video on the weekend. I just need to split the MMD video(the animations are done) in Windows Movie Maker and use Snap Shots from MMD this time. Music-Besaid FFX-2 Model and background-not mine and found on Deviantart. Videos is all by me.

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21 June 2018 (5 years, 11 months ago)

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