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12 March 2013 (11 years, 1 month ago)

Comments (19)

cacham wrote 2 years ago

Quel festin pour ce vrai gourmet! Fabuleuse donneuse, j'ai aimé le petit pipi après la grosse commission pour aider à digérer tout ça !

loverman13 wrote 3 years ago

nach diesem Schiss ins Maul von dem Typen würde ich gerne ihr Arschloch sauberlecken...

sperrgebiet wrote 4 years ago

sehr gut

Asspleae wrote 8 years ago

Mistress Vivian. In toilet for a day one, she produces a few lovely logs. I'd so like to eat from her beautiful ass.

devobimann wrote 9 years ago

Besser geht es nicht

alanshiteater wrote 10 years ago

Hes a lucky cunt, eating all that shit and I wish it was me because eating shit from a womans arse is so nice.

dotado wrote 10 years ago

gran aporte...lo disfrute!!!

dianashiteater wrote 10 years ago

Vivian is a professional dom out of NYC. I have eaten from 50 or so women in my life, probably 10 from the pro scene in NYC. She is very lovely and delivers a fair sized load, which I consumed.

dianashiteater wrote 10 years ago

Vivian gives great toilet. I have eaten from her.

brownnose > dianashiteater wrote 10 years ago

Tell us about your experience!

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