Shellyna's biggest ever poo

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22 March 2020 (4 years, 2 months ago)

Comments (5)

EFROFan wrote 4 years ago

Shellyna was controversial. Some efro fans speculated she was a man, but I don't think this was ever proven.

mofoscatman wrote 4 years ago

No way thats fake !

broncosva wrote 4 years ago

Silly Puddy

louboy5 wrote 4 years ago

I've seen this lady a few times..I think it's fake too. It's all rubbery and pieces are bouncing off the top lol

mrhotblack0 wrote 4 years ago

fake, as usual.

CreedsWorld > mrhotblack0 wrote 4 years ago

even if its fake....she still had to stuff all that fake shit up her ass.
think about it.

daviduk2000 > CreedsWorld wrote 4 years ago

I agree. It would be impossible to stuff this directly into her colon. Joyangeles made no secret of the special diet he recommended to his 'models' to create massive shits: huge doses of psyllium to bulk up the stools plus loperamide (Imodium) to slow intestinal transit, combined with high fluid intake to prevent rock-hard constipation.

EFROFan > daviduk2000 wrote 4 years ago

I discovered the hard way recently how important "high fluid intake" was for healthy bowels and to prevent bouts of severe constipation, but no one wants to hear about my male trouble. lol. Just drink lots and lots of water, boys and girls! Trust me on this one. Just do it.

powerpeemodel > daviduk2000 wrote 4 years ago

I worked for Joy Angeles (still do although it now runs on reruns) and this is actually real - and not. The models really ate and pooped but it was normal food combined with psyllium powder, which is just fiber. So the models, only a few actually, used to take this and hold it for 4 days, this is what the Immodium was for, to hold it, and then poop it all out. This was done within a period of 1 to 4 hours because the large intestine was emptied out in 3 or 4 runs. You can try this yourself and you will see it gets this bouncy quality because of the Psyllium. So depending on what you define as 'real': it did went through the model's bodies, they ate it and pooped it out. But it was done in several takes and the use of fiber. Now Scatshop offers way better deals to the models, some of which are JA models, but videos like this can't be made anymore these days because one update was quite expensive.

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