This is my Mum Susan, she taught me how to be a black man's girlfriend ever since I was a young girl, its all I saw and knew.....

She was also a whore/prostitute for a "black pimp in NYC" when she was much younger, before me, this is a video from that time. She now lives in California, she is now 60 but still will date younger men too ------I love my mum and respect her so much

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13 August 2017 (6 years, 8 months ago)

Comments (4)

Kennyboy82 wrote 5 years ago

I would enjoy meeting your mum, and fucking her too. You would need to be there, because when I've finished with her, you are next. xx

boychild wrote 6 years ago

Would love to hear more of your story.I think its very hot.

mcdirts wrote 6 years ago

I wish I could see the rest of that video!

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