Very thick turd

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4 January 2017 (7 years, 4 months ago)

Comments (3)

trabant100 wrote 7 years ago

deze lekkere stevige drol had je zo rechtstreeks in me mond mogen poepen

jaculation wrote 7 years ago

Joyangeles was always faking shit, not all the time; but most of the time. I agree with above posts. And it's a pity

koji00 wrote 7 years ago

WARNING MALE SCAT. Look at 1:48.

BlueSniper > koji00 wrote 7 years ago

I'd wondered about this person. Once they started showing "her" face but the model whose face they showed had a completely different butt shape than the pooping person, my suspicions went up to around 90%. This confirms it; the Shellyna character is a man in drag.

BlueSniper > BlueSniper wrote 7 years ago

Also I think you mean 0:48. I guess it's possible that she has really pronounced labia, but given the whole picture I think we all know what's really going on here.

daviduk2000 > BlueSniper wrote 7 years ago

Wrong!! This lady showed her face in later movies and is the beautiful Nathalie. You are jealous because you can't out-shit her lol.

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