why is it that EU girls piss and American girls only pee.... Ha!

Her cup runneth over, beautiful Miss starting her new year with abundance flowing everywhere ...German cutie has some pee fun for all of us

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28 January 2015 (9 years, 3 months ago)

Comments (4)

boyish wrote 10 months ago

She sounds more Austrian than German. But anyway, the reason she overflowed the glass is because it was a very small glass. She's eff'n hottt though, I must say!

pisholi wrote 9 years ago

frisch gezapft schmeckt am besten

hotman36 wrote 9 years ago

Was für eine saugeile perverse kleine Pissnutte... Hätte sie zu gerne geleckt und gefistet bis sie vor lauter spritzen nur noch zittert und winselt!

hotwick1 wrote 9 years ago

Mmmmmmmmmm I'll have a glass of her! ;)~

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