Thos heels hurt, you know.

Thos heels hurt, you know.

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16 November, 2017 (6 years, 5 months ago)

Comments (3)

tinynutstim wrote 6 years ago

Why is that not tied to his balls instead. He'd behave then.

Sandrine-cd86 > tinynutstim wrote 6 years ago

Don't give the old slapper any ideas! XX

Bislaaf62 wrote 6 years ago

good slave

Sandrine-cd86 > Bislaaf62 wrote 6 years ago

I try to be, but this whore is too demanding at times. XX

spuurt wrote 6 years ago

very hot pic

Sandrine-cd86 > spuurt wrote 6 years ago

Certainly hot in the bum area - those heels are really sharp! XX

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